Some of our favourite projects are those where we’re involved right from the start, creating distinctive brands that really speak to their target audiences. We’ve recently worked with Lucence, a manufacturer of stunning illuminated signage, to get their business off the ground. Find out how!
Launching Omnium
Keen followers of our blog and social media will know that we’ve been working with Omnium International, an exceptional firm of Quantity Surveyors based in the UAE, for around a year. We’re absolutely delighted to have now successfully completed our website project – read on for more!
The latest from our correspondents in the desert…
We’ve been over here in Dubai for a couple of days now and we’re settling in well, so I thought I’d give you a bit of an insight into our experiences so far.
Continue reading “The latest from our correspondents in the desert…”
Wireframes 101: What is a Wireframe?
Websites by Your Marketing Goodguys® are truly bespoke, each one specifically tailored to the needs of our client. Our websites are developed from scratch following close consultation with the client to find out exactly what it is they’re looking for and how they want their website to function. Once we’ve established the preferred styles of the client, we create our ‘wireframe’.
Working on our new website.
Our team are working on our brand new website. We’re planning to make important changes to our site, clearly defining our services, and our proposition statement.
Myself, Jordan and Jonathan are working hard on the layout and design. The new website will be going live June/July 2015.
Keep an eye out!
Choosing an ethical web designer
Choosing a new digital and creative provider isn’t easy. There is no shortage of horror stories about incompetent ‘web designers’ bungling jobs and causing MORE problems as a result of their loose morals or incompetence. Why is this?
Jordan’s finished his web developer apprenticeship – it’s now official!
Well, here we are. Nearly two years on since Jordan started (Oct ’12) he’s finally been presented with his Apprenticeship Certificate of Achievement. I say finally because he should have received it in December, but for one reason or another it took 8 months to arrive.
Continue reading “Jordan’s finished his web developer apprenticeship – it’s now official!”
Your New Website – Ensuring Success
This is a great exercise for those of you that are planning a new website. Put aside some quiet time to read through our FIVE steps to website success.
Here at cre8 we’ll work with you to create the right website for your business, school or charity. We offer no-obligation consultations to discuss what’s outlined below. If you’d like to do this please get in touch.
What is a Wireframe?
If your still confused and wondering what a wireframe is, then look no further, here you can find out everything about a wireframe design and why we use them as part of designing your website.
Imagine an architect building a house without a plan or a chef cooking a meal without a recipe, well a wireframe is exactly the same for a designer, we need a basic plan of how the website is going to function before we even think about colours and images.
The type of questions we ask our web design clients
We approach new clients differently to other web designers, instead of asking them about the website they’d like, we ask them about their business. Only by understanding your business can we build a website to suit your individual needs.
Continue reading “The type of questions we ask our web design clients”