Introducing CRE8: Your Marketing Goodguys


We’re sure you’ve already noticed, but in June we were excited to launch our business’s rebrand!

The product of many months of work, starting with our own brand definition exercise to understand what makes us unique, the rebrand goes much deeper than just a logo. It defines who we are, our beliefs and our vision, and gives us a great platform to continue to grow.

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Marketing Manager 360: Delivering Marketing Differently

We introduced Marketing Manager 360 back in 2015, but this year it’s really grown.

Marketing Manager 360 allows businesses to work with a marketing partner; identifying business goals and working together towards achieving these goals. We know how important it is to understand the brand you’re marketing, so we fully immerse ourselves into our clients’ businesses, making sure that we understand your brand, your business and your vision as well as you do! Continue reading “Marketing Manager 360: Delivering Marketing Differently”

Welcome to CRE8: Your Marketing Goodguys!

Hello! You’ll have noticed that things are a little different around here. We’re delighted to introduce you to our fresh new brand and we want to tell you more about it.

You’ll be familiar with CRE8 by now: our vibrant colour scheme, our people and the quality of our work. We’ve felt for a while that we haven’t been communicating these fantastic elements of our brand, the exceptional clients we work with or how we help them, and we wanted to revisit the way we tell our own story.

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What Brexit means for Your Marketing Goodguys® and your Intellectual Property Rights…

Your Marketing Goodguys
Your Marketing Goodguys

Intellectual Property is the name given to something that is unique to your business. Here at CRE8, that’s our strapline -Your Marketing Goodguys®- and our logo. Our strapline truly defines our business; we are friendly, trusted professionals, and all-round ‘good guys’. This is how we want to be identified, and so we chose to have the phrase trademarked. Now, it’s exclusive to us, and only us!

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Registering your intellectual property – what, why and how!

Registering your intellectual property – what, why and how!

Last year, we applied to register Your Marketing Goodguys® as a trade mark. The registration has now been granted, ensuring that the strapline Your Marketing Goodguys® can only be used by us in promoting our services.

But what does it mean and why did we do it? Moreover, why should you protect YOUR intellectual property rights? Let us explain…

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Wigan Borough Business Club: Marketing Strategies for Success (with yours truly!)

Marketing strategies for success

Wigan BBC is a friendly and informal group of business people from the Wigan and Leigh area. The group, which meets once a month, encourages the support and sharing of knowledge between organisations of all sizes across the Borough. Each meeting features a guest speaker, networking and opportunity for guests to discuss their own experiences.

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